Anyways! In the time we have spent with each other a whole lot has happened. We bought our first house together, a little two bedroom two bath that we can call home. It has been our biggest project since day two of owning it! (Day one we left it alone... LOL) But we are slowly finishing the projects now.
I have always been an animal lover, and Buck has learned to adjust... well, he has always liked dogs... let's leave it at that. We have two dogs, two cats, and a snake. They are my stress relief when I get home. Well, most of the time, of course they have their days too. As I try to type one of our cats, Ashes, is demanding attention... so this may take a while.
We have not been blessed with children as of yet but the Lord will bless us in due time. Until then we enjoy any time we can get with our niece, Janelle, and nephews, Brody & Ryland. Speaking of nieces and nephews we will soon have some additions to the family. Buck's brother Ben and his fiance Bridgett are planning their wedding. We are excited to welcome Bridgett, and her two kids Isaiah & Isabella to our family!
Buck has been in the drywall business since he started crawling. I think his first word was drywall and his dad gave him a mini set of tools to crawl around with. He learned to balance himself with a drywall board on his head. (Just kidding) But honsetly he has been in the business since he was 12. I have been in banking for the past 8 1/2 years, so I guess it is in my blood almost as much as drywall is in Bucks. I started as a high school intern and now I am an Assistant Manager. You can say the green stuff has me addicted to the job. LOL
Well, hopefully that is a good start to our first blog and I have not bored you all to death! I'll write again soon! :)